Addictions Services

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Service Descriptions


Face to face interview with a registered client so that reasonably full understanding of the nature of the abuse, misuse and/or addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs can be gained in order that appropriate treatment can be recommended.  With child clients, the interaction may also include face to face contacts with family members (parents, guardians, foster parents) and/or essential others external to the agency.  The child client does not need to be present.

Case Management

Case management services are those activities provided to assist and support individuals in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services essential to meeting basic human needs. Case management services may include interactions with family members, other individuals or entities.


Consultation is cross-system or within-system collaboration on behalf of an individual to assist in accessing alcohol and other drug services.  This process may include family members or other significant persons.

Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention services involve a face-to-face response to a crisis or emergency situation experienced by a client, family member and/or significant other.  Crisis intervention services can be provided at a program site or in their natural environment.  The goal of crisis intervention services is to provide or assist the person(s) in obtaining those services necessary to stabilize the crisis situation.

Family Counseling

Family counseling is the utilization of special skills in sessions with individuals and their family members and/or significant others under the guidance of a counselor to address family and relationship issues related to alcohol and other drug abuse and/or dependence for the purpose of promoting recovery from addiction. Family counseling services can be provided at a program or in the natural environment of the client.

Group Counseling

Group counseling services are the utilization of special skills to assist two or more individuals in achieving treatment objectives. This occurs through the exploration of alcohol and other drug problems and/or addiction and their ramifications, including an examination of attitudes and feelings, consideration of alternative solutions and decision making and/or discussing information related to alcohol and other drug related problems.

Hot Line

Hot line services are part of an integrated, comprehensive system of alcohol and drug addiction services for the purpose of short-term intervention and crisis management.  These are recipient-initiated discussions, generally anonymous, and telephone calls on the part of the agency as follow up to these discussions for crisis assistance and/or assistance with problems of daily living.  The recipient may or may not be or become a client of the agency.  The service is available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling involves a face-to-face encounter between a client or client and family member and a counselor. Individual counseling means the utilization of special skills to assist an individual in achieving treatment objectives through the exploration of alcohol and other drug problems and/or addiction and their ramifications, including an examination of attitudes and feelings, consideration of alternative solutions and decision making and/or discussing didactic materials with regard to alcohol and other drug related problems. Individual counseling services can be provided at a program site or in the client’s natural environment.

Intensive Outpatient

Intensive outpatient services are structured individual and group alcohol and drug addiction activities and services that are provided at a certified treatment program site for a minimum of eight hours per week with services provided at least three days per week. Intensive outpatient services include, but are not limited to; assessment, individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention and case management.

Laboratory Urinalysis

Urinalysis is the testing of an individual’s urine specimen to detect the presence of alcohol and other drugs. Urinalysis includes laboratory testing and/or urine dip screen.

Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medicated Assisted Treatment is the use of pharmacological medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a “whole patient” approach to treatment of substance use disorders.

Medical Somatic

Medical/somatic services may be defined as medical services, medication administration services and the dispensing of medications in an alcohol and other drug treatment program. Medical/somatic services shall be delivered at a program site certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction servies (OHMHAS).

Methadone Administration

Opioid agonist administration is defined as the administration or dispensing of opioid agonist to an individual only for the treatment of narcotic addiction by an alcohol and other drug treatment program licensed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OHMHAS).

Non-Medical Community Residential Treatment

Non-medical community residential treatment provides a twenty-four-hour rehabilitation facility, without twenty-four-hour-per-day medical/nursing monitoring, where a planned program of professionally directed evaluation, care and treatment for the restoration of functioning for persons with alcohol and other drug problems and/or addiction occurs.

Other AOD Services Not Classified

“Other AOD Services Not Classified” is an Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Service (OHMHAS) designation which incorporates a variety of services which are defined by the Mental Health and Recovery Boards. Other AOD Services are certified by the OHMHAS.  Services in this category include Indigent Drivers Alcohol Treatment, Multi-County System Agreement, Administration, planning and coordinator of alcohol and other drug services.

Prevention Alternatives

This is an AOD prevention strategy that focuses on providing opportunities for positive behavior support as a means of reducing risk taking behavior, and reinforcing protective factors.  Alternatives programs include a wide range of social, recreational, cultural and community service/volunteer activities that appeal to youth and adults.

Prevention Community-Based Process

This is an AOD prevention strategy that focuses on enhancing the ability of the community to provide prevention services through organizing, training, planning, interagency collaboration, coalition building and/or networking.

Prevention Education

This is an AOD prevention strategy that focuses on the delivery of services to target audiences with the intent of affecting knowledge, attitude and/or behavior.  Education involves two-way communication between educator/facilitator and participant.

Prevention Environmental

This is an AOD prevention strategy that represents a broad range of activities geared toward modifying systems in order to mainstream prevention through policy and law.  The environmental strategy establishes or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes and attitudes, thereby influencing the incidence and prevalence of alcohol and other drug use/abuse in the general population.

Prevention Information Dissemination

Information Dissemination is an AOD prevention strategy that focuses on building awareness and knowledge of the nature and extent of alcohol and other drug use, abuse and addiction and the effects on individuals, families and communities, as well as the dissemination of information about prevention, treatment and recovery support services, programs and resources. This strategy is characterized by one-way communication from source to audience, with limited contact between the two.

Prevention Problem Identification and Referral

This is an AOD prevention strategy that refers to intervention oriented prevention services that primarily target clients to address the earliest indications of an AOD problem.  Services focus on preventing the progression of the problem.

Referral and Information

Referral and Information services provide the public with assistance in understanding the alcohol and drug addiction service system as it relates to care and assistance in accessing appropriate programs of service.

Room and Board

Room and board is the assumption of responsibility by a facility to provide clients the provision of sleeping and living space, housekeeping, meals, and/or meal preparation, and laundry for a period of twenty-four hours or more.  This service is for clients enrolled in treatment for alcohol and/or drug abuse and does not include clinical and therapeutic services.

Sub Acute Detoxification

Sub-acute detoxification refers to detoxification services provided with twenty-four-hour medical monitoring. Services are of brief duration and linkage to other formal and informal services shall be made. Sub-acute detoxification may be provided in a hospital setting as a step-down service from acute detoxification, or may be provided in a free-standing setting with medical monitoring. This service is supervised by a physician, under a defined set of policies and procedures, who is licensed by the state of Ohio Medical Board.

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