JOURNEY to Successful Living
JOURNEY to Successful Living (JOURNEY) is Hamilton County’s System of Care transformation program to strengthen services and supports for transitioned-aged youth and young adults with serious mental health challenges in their transition to adult services and self-sufficiency. The core values are: Youth-driven, Family-guided, Individualized, Community-based, Evidence-based, and Culturally and Linguistically competent.
JOURNEY provides a network of providers that have implemented the following evidence-based interventions to address the unique needs of transitioned-aged youth, young Adults, and their families.
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Assertive Community Treatment (ACT):This community-based, multidisciplinary approach provides treatment, rehabilitation and support services to persons with severe and persistent mental illness. In the ACT approach, clients are managed by a multi-disciplinary team, providing services directly to an individual that are tailored to meet his or her specific needs. Team members collaborate to deliver integrated services to individuals in their “natural living” settings instead of hospitals and clinics.
Lighthouse Youth Services
Admission Criteria
Ages 14-21. Potential to benefit from multi-disciplinary team approach
Transition to Independence Process (TIP):The TIP approach is an evidence-based program model that stresses the importance of engaging young adults in their own futures-planning process, and utilizing services that focus on each individual’s strengths. The TIP system operates through seven guidelines that provide a framework for the program and a community system that supports that framework.
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (Ages 18-21)
St. Joseph Orphanage (Ages 14-21).
Admission Criteria
Potential to benefit from a strength-based “coaching” model. Will work with youth age 17.5 for transition
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT):The IDDT model is an evidence-based practice that improves the quality of life for youth and young adults with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorders. This model of treatment is integrated within the team structure of the TIP model.
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services
Admission Criteria
Ages 18-21, with co-occurring disorders
Enhanced Wraparound:Enhanced Wraparound is a care coordination model that is based in Wraparound philosophy, with emphasis on building successful transitions to adulthood and adult services.
Talbert House
Admission Criteria
Ages 14-21. Potential to benefit from a care coordination model; emphasis on child-family team and the changing role of “family” as youth transitions to adult services.
For opportunities for youth and family involvement, please download the following contact information:
Overview of JOURNEY JOURNEY for youth Crisis resources for youth and young adults Georgetown University Toolkit for Expanding the System of Care ApproachContact